HealthSpan Wellness, Counseling & Coaching

HealthSpan Wellness

Counseling & Coaching

W Hugh Furr, PhD:

As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I work with individuals and couples facing mental health and relationship challenges as well as those recovering from addiction. Anxiety, anger, and depression are often present. People are stressed out from work, worry, and fear.

As a Board Certified Coach, I work with people to educate, clarify and set health and wellness goals and provide accountability.

While each of these require a different focus and specific interventions, I have come to see that, fundamentally, those I work with are out of balance with diet, exercise and sleep! In order to make lasting improvements, these areas must be addressed. When we are out of balance, our ability to effectively handle stress is impaired.

Many studies have demonstrated the positive relationship between exercise and mood, and more are continuing to be conducted.

We are increasing our understanding of the relationship between food and mood as well. Healthy eating is not just about weight loss! In fact, it is about supplying the nutrition necessary for mental as well as physical health. HealthSpan Wellness recommends supplying dense nutrition and support for intermittent fasting, clinically demonstrated to promote cellular detoxification and weight loss as well as supporting brain health.

Many of us are sleep deprived - stress, worry, anxiety, and lifestyle choices can interfere with healthy sleep. Sleep deprivation has also been associated with weight gain.

At HealthSpan Wellness, we focus on the whole person, not just the immediate problem, by considering the fundamentals of diet, exercise and sleep, along with other positive self-care activities such as quiet time, positive involvement with others, meditation and prayer.

This site will address each of these areas with articles, book recommendations, and other recommendations. Please look around and enjoy! Also, look for us on Facebook!


W Hugh Furr, PhD
Board Certified Coach
National Certified Counselor
Licensed Professional Counselor
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

follow me on facebook

Lee W Furr, MS Ed:
Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach





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